What Happens When You Neglect a Leaky Roof

What Happens When You Neglect a Leaky Roof

For many homeowners, the roof can fall into an “out of sight, out of mind” category of things to take care of. This can be a hazardous way to approach your home maintenance plan, however, since even seemingly small problems with your roof can lead to major problems...
Steps to Fireproofing your Home

Steps to Fireproofing your Home

Having your house catch on fire is a frightening and dangerous experience. It’s estimated that fire departments respond to 358,500 house fires per year with the causes ranging from faulty wiring to smoking in the house. Many causes are preventable if the proper...
What You Should Do During a Flood

What You Should Do During a Flood

Some people dismiss water as a threat to their homes, especially if they don’t live by a large body of water. However, if you get a heavy enough rain, even a flood of a few inches can cause a lot of damage. There are a few ways you can reduce your risk of injury and...
How to File an Insurance Claim for Water Damage

How to File an Insurance Claim for Water Damage

One major component of handling water damage clean up working with the insurance company. You purchase insurance to protect you in this type of situation, but you may be unsure how to follow the correct procedure to help your insurance company get the information they...
Safety Measures to Follow with Water Damage

Safety Measures to Follow with Water Damage

if your home has flooded as a result of plumbing damage or a natural disaster, the emotions you’re feeling can be overwhelming. As a result, it can be hard to think straight and keep everything in check. However, if you remember nothing else, remember these tips on...