Mold remediation in Saratoga Springs, NY is often presented as if it were rocket science. It’s not.  Here is mold remediation in a nutshell.

Experience Is Key

Mold spores can spread great distances, so if one area is affected by mold, chances are another area will become infested as well. The key is to hire the right business for mold damage repair in NY, which should always be one that is mold certified by New York State and that has proven experience with the process.

Seeing Is Believing

If you can see mold, you do not need to pretest. Testing is for situations where the presence of mold is not visible but is suspected. Testing can identify the type of mold you’re dealing with, but while that’s nice to know, it is not important. The key is to remove it and then prevent it from gaining a foothold again and testing will accomplish neither.

Note: If a mold remediation professional tells you to spend hundreds of dollars testing mold that is already visible, find another vendor. If you can see it, you have it and you need to look into mold damage restoration in NY. Plain and simple.

Five Steps

Any mold remediation effort will have five elements:  Assessment, Contamination Control (containment), Removal, Cleaning and Disinfecting, and Moisture Control.  The assessment is three phased: Before, during, and after remediation. Contamination Control is the effort to contain the mold and prevent cross-contamination.  Depending on the materials affected, some may need to be removed while others can be cleaned.  This will be determined during assessment.  Moisture control focuses on how the mold problem started and what can be done to deprive it of a favorable growing environment.